Saturday, June 4, 2011

Christmas (or Hanukkah) in June!

Let's face it, the NFL is in shambles. Where do I begin? Let's start with the Lockout. For those who do not know what is going on; currently the owners have locked out the players. Why has this occurred? Well, for a few reasons. But mainly because all sides are greedy bastards. When I say all sides there is much more to this than players and owners, like the papers would want you to believe. The major players in this whole thing; is the Owners, Players, and the NFL. The players would not agree to a new agreement with the owners because the owners are not sharing with the players organization where moneys are coming in from and how much. The NFL and the Owners do not want this material to become public. Weather or not, this is right…I don't care. I really could care less and so could the rest of the football fans out there. As a matter of fact, it seems very discouraging amongst the fans about what is going on. Several fans have jumped ship already. Some plan to if the season doesn't occur and other could care less it is just some mindless entertainment for them. I fall into a little bit of all the above.

So because of all this B.S., I am going to start my Christmas list for June right now.

Dear Santa,

I am writing this list to you in June because I would like to get a few things prior to Christmas. Here is my list and I hope you will comply, like you always do:

10) Please stop Ray Lewis from telling the media that the fans are going to cause major crimes if there is not a football season. We all know that the NFL players will be involved in more crimes than the fans will be.

9) This lady who had a Redskin symbol painted on her teeth, needs to be smacked up side her head. First of all, yuck. Secondly, why? Finally, I would rather her paint something on her boobs so that I would have something to look at instead of her nasty mouth.

8) May Ocho Cinco please find a new career in this off season.

7) T.O. should take up a new career: one that will rival George Michaels Sports Machine called the T.O. Show at night and during the day he should become an interior designer to battle that other wash up.

6) Please stop the racial slurs when discussing Michael Vick. I don't care if you wanna call him a dog murderer or an executioner of pups….don't care. But please leave the racial card at the door. It really shows how ignorant people are when all you can do is call someone a N….

5) McNabb should no longer be allowed to have a number. Instead McNabb should be the only player in history to get a symbol and that symbol is cross hairs. Why? Not cause I wish him harm. As a matter of fact, I am a huge supporter of McNabb. Because that poor guy gets hit every direction he goes. Philly fans, Washington fans, NFL fans, Hopkins…etc…

4) Now with Opera gone. I think Reggie Bush should retire and take her place as the Queen of day time talk shows.

3) Please stop the mindless chatter that Jay Cutler has no heart. The man is a good QB. He is not great. But he is good. Let the man breath and he will do well for you in Chicago.
2) Somebody please wipe the drool from Goodell's mouth and let him slip back into his coma so that he will get off this 18 week season. "Yes. I know. Mr. Goodell. The fans want 18 games." Has anyone ever really done a check to see if this dude is a real person or a mindless robot zombie from the planet Gotohell?
1) I want there to be a football season. I do not care who plays for these teams. I do not care who the owners of these teams are. And I really do not care who the commissioner is and the rest of the NFL executives are. So, if need be…fire them all and lets start over.

Thank you Santa…you are the best.

The Commish

1 comment:

  1. Hey man where you been? Great to see you jumping back in the blogging game. Nice article especially liked the touch on the Reggie Bush comment. He has officially taken Nick Cannon's place as the cornest black dude in America. Keep em coming bro and feel free to visit my site and drop comments. Peace
