This blog is about the NFL and the occurrences on and off field. Sometimes you may like what I say. Sometimes you won't. I don't care either way.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
For Tebow Sake...
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Angry Birds
- December 15, 1968, Eagles fans boo Santa Claus and then proceed to pelt him with snowballs.
- From 1986 − 1991, Buddy Ryan was the Coach of the Eagles. Buddy Ryan is really to blame for these terrible fans. He built the team. He built the fan base. Though, Buddy Ryan is seen as one of the best coaches to coach the game. The fans never appreciated him.
- On December 10, 1989, the Philadelphia Eagles Fans pelted the Dallas Cowboys team and coaches with snowballs.
- In 1995, Randall Cunningham decided to retire from football. He did so because not only the fans but the organization turned their backs on him and offered Rodney Pete the starting job in Philly. Surprisingly, Pete was one of the few Quarterbacks that the Eagles fans liked and didn't boo immediately. Cunningham later went on to lead the Minnesota Vikings to a 15-1 season only three years later.
- In 1999, the Eagles drafted Donnovan McNabb second pick overall in the draft. He was met with a chorous of Boos on opening day. McNabb led the Eagles to four consecutive NFC East division championships between 2001-2004, five NFC Championship Games and a Super Bowl XXXIX appearance, in which the Eagles were defeated by the New England Patriots. McNabb's career was consistantly challenged by Eagles fans, no matter how well he played.
- Oct. 11, 1999, Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin suffered a career-ending neck injury at Veterans Stadium against the Philadelphia Eagles. While Irvin lay motionless on the ground, Eagles fan cheered.
- Philadelphia no choice but to install a court, judge and jail inside the stadium. A courtroom was built into the stadium where unruly fans were taken for judgment and sentencing after committing crimes at Veterans Stadium. The penalties for the crime forced offenders to give up season tickets, pay a $400 fine and sit in jail for the rest of the game.
- In 2004, the Eagles aquired Terrell Owens. The Eagles fan base really embrased him. The Eagles fans were never very happy with McNabb and when Owens began his rants against McNabb and the Management, Eagles fans cheered this on.
- Michael Vick was picked up by the Philledephia Eagles in 2009, majority of the Eagles fans hated this move. Vick, an ex-convict being picked up by the Eagles was not something they wanted for their team. Vick is currently the started of the Eagles and most Eagles fans regard him as a "cry baby."
- In 2010, Donovan McNabb was sent packing by the Eagles. Relying on the fact, that they had two great Quarterbacks in Michael Vick and Kevin Kolb. McNabb was never respected throughout all of his days as an Eagle. Most of the time, McNabb was booed more than cheered.
- In 2011, Andy Reid has compiled what was considered to be the "Dream Team." However, after a 3 − 6 start; the Eagles fans are now calling for Reid to be dismissed. Reid has compiled the best win total 120, winning percentage .609 and playoff victory total 10 in team history. He has captured six division titles and five trips to the NFC Championship game. Since he was hired in 1999, no other franchise has earned more divisional playoff round appearances 7.
It is a proven fact that if a team or a person is cheered, the team or person is more likely to win. If a team or person is booed they are more likely to lose. So guess what Philly…you are killing yourselves.
The Eagles fans don't deserve this team. Eagles fan deserve to not have a team at all. The Eagles should move to L.A. and deal with the Hollywood weirdos rather than deal with a bunch of ungrateful bastards. At least in L.A. you would have a fit fan base rather than a bunch of cheese steak filled fat asses.
What do you think?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
NFC East - The Lock Out Review
Saturday, June 11, 2011
To Live and Die in L.A.

Saturday, June 4, 2011
Christmas (or Hanukkah) in June!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Disenfranchised Part 2
The NFL is a 9 billion dollar industry and they get all of their money from us...the fans. So how do we combat this. We the fans have the ultimate power. We have the choice to pay for tickets. We have the choice to buy merchandise.
Therefore, I propose we the fans lockout the NFL. Join me at:!/pages/I-Lockout-the-NFL/119066261504871
Like the site and join me in getting rid of these absurd prices that we pay in order to be fans of an organization that we built.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Now first of all, I do not know where every penny goes so please do not get too critical about this but I think this would be a great solution to this issue.
Currently, the NFL is a 9 billion dollar industry. The NFL collects its revenue mostly from Advertising, Licensing, and TV contracts. Ticketing and Concessions makes a lot of money. As for Licensing, every time a person buys a players jersey or if you watch an old NFL game on TV, the NFL collects. TV contracts is where the money is the greatest for the NFL. This is the bread and butter of the organization. All teams get the same cut from the TV Contracts.
Currently, the players receive about 3/4 of the total revenue of the NFL. This is set up by the players association. The Players Association meets with the NFL every 5 - 10 years and discusses finds ways to increase the players earnings.
In 2011, 4 billion dollars will go to the 32 teams for their TV Contracts. Let's just say that the NFL has to take a cut so the 32 teams receive 100 million dollars each. Each team must go down to 53 players each year. Every team offered the players a base salary of a million dollars per year. This is guaranteed money. If the player gets hurt, if he sits on the bench, if he sends naked pictures to a jets doesn't matter the player always gets their money. Each team would then be left with 47 million dollars. The 47 million would be broken into three parts; bonuses, Owner, and management of the organization. Lets say out of the 47 million dollars, 20 million dollars was set aside for bonuses. These bonuses would come in forms of Most Rushing Yardage, Most Receiving Yardage, Most Interceptions, Most Tackles, Most Sacks, etc... There could even be stipulation bonuses if starting QB throws 20 interceptions this year he will not receive the bonus. 20 million dollars would go to the Management of the team. Head coach would get 2 million, assistant coaches would receive a 1 million dollars, etc... The owner would then have to find a way to run his organization off of 7 million dollars for the year.
Now as for the Ticketing and Concessions, lets say team XYZ has a stadium that seats 60,000 fans. Tickets are 50 per person. Each team gets 8 home games...the way it works right now is that the home team receives 60 percent while the visitor receives 40 percent. Let's say that we make it 50 / 50. On a sold out game both teams would receive 1.5 million dollars. .5 should go to the owners / management while 1 million dollars should go back to the team. After a 16 week season, we are talking an additional 16 million dollars minus concessions. An additional 301,886 per player.
Licensing and Advertisement should be done in the same manner. If three people buy Charles Woodson jerseys, then the proceeds should go to the team to be spread amongst the players.
Where would this leave old Payton Manning. Payton Manning just signed a contract for 99 million for 7 years. Well, if he played soild for all seven years, and they structured his bonuses for 2 million per year, we would be looking at 23 million dollars for seven year minus concessions, advertisement and Licensing.
Sure this may not be perfect but it would be instrumental rejuvenating the NFL. No more Randy Mosses giving up, no more T.O. crying about the QB, no more stadiums not getting filled up because the players would start to care again. They would have to come to signings and show themselves in public so that the public wants to come see them perform. This is why the NFL has been disenfranchised.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Bengals
Let us dissect this team and see where the problem lies:
Carson Palmer - 3970 Yards, 26 Touchdowns, 20 Interceptions and 7 Fumbles.
Cedric Benson - 1111 Yards, 7 Touchdowns, 7 Fumbles
Ocho Cinco - 831 Yards, 4 Touchdowns, 1 Fumble
T. O. - 983 Yards, 9 Touchdowns
The Offensive line allowed for 26 sacks.
Really the only stand out player on the defense is Carlos Dunlap who recorded 10 sacks this year. The rest of the defensive squad was terrible.
Special Teams
Same...really poor.
Play Calling and General Coaching
Poor at best.
With this offense and with such an under average defense, this team should of been racking up the points. However, this team only scored 30+ points in 4 games. The rest of the time the team could barely get a first down. Why?
Poor coaching.
Here is my two cents and you can take it or leave it. Carson Palmer could definitely be a great quarterback again. His inconsistency in throwing interceptions is the biggest concern. This maybe because of the play calling or the average performance of the receivers. Keep these players. 1st player in the draft they need to recruit a great lineman. A Guard or Tackle that can apply consistently allow for Carson to make the plays. In the lower rounds, they need to draft a tight end, a receiver, and a two defensive players preferably both that could start immediately in LB and in the secondary. The entire defense needs to be reworked. They need to start at the draft and who ever they get they need to build around. Which mean making some great after draft choices at line men and secondary. The most pathetic part of the Bengals is that they don't even know what they have. They should of been a playoff contender.
This is all fine and dandy but the truth is that this team will continue to perform like this next year even if they take the steps that I just layed out for them. Why? Because the coaching is piss poor. They need to make sure that all of their players know that they are expendable. And that they can use a different guy in that position. They need to hold these players accountable for their actions. This is the greatest challenge for the Bengals. Unfortunately, we will have to wait and see if this coaching group will do just that.
Within the rumor mill is that Palmer won't come back. If the Bengals were smart...which is still up in the air...they need to make sure that Palmer comes back but knows that he could be second in the line up. Make sure when training camp starts that another younger QB is waiting in the locker room. He will change his tune once he sees that he can be replaced.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Remember the L.A. Rams? How about the L.A. Raiders?
Now, L.A. is attempting to get a new Football team! Will they steal a team already in the league? Minnesota? Jacksonville? Oakland? Chargers?
All of these names have been thrown around. Some more, than others. Currently, the front runner is San Diego! Really? They have a solid fan base? Why should they move? Jacksonville seems like the clear choice to me. Jacksonville hasn't sold out a some time.
But to be completely honest. The league is set up brilliantly the way it is. 4 teams in a 4 division conference with two conferences. Makes plenty of sense to steal a team rather than create a team. But I got a different spin on things. Hear me out:
Remember when the NFL joined with the AFL? Wasn't that a real spell bounding moment? What if, the CFL and the NFL joined forces? Some teams were moved to the United States, while other teams went even further south, and some teams were disassembled. Imagen an NFL where there were four conferences: North, South, East and West. Each conference would have 2 divisions made up of 5 teams. Each team would play their divisional rivals twice in a season. Then they would play their cross divisional rivals once a year. Then the final three games would be based off of the previous years schedule. If the Patriots were 15 -1 and the Packers were 15 - 1. Then they would play again the next year.
The Playoffs would take four conference champions, four divisional winners and four wild card teams. The Wild Card teams would play first against the divisional winners. The winners of those games would then play the Conference Champions.
Could you imagine an NFL where the Mexico City Aztecs played the Toronto Cannucks in the Super bowl? Might take some getting use to.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The End of an Era
Pittsburgh Steelers
Green Bay Packers
Dallas Cowboys
New England Patriots
San Fransisco 49er's
Indianapolis Colts
These teams have dominated the past twenty years. However, if you really break it down...Indianapolis and New England have never really had stand out teams until the last twenty years. The 49er's ruled the 80's and the 90's but before that they were not much to look at. The three stand out teams of all time have been the top three: Pittsburgh, Green Bay and Dallas. How fitting that this Superbowl is being held in Dallas and that the Steelers and the Packers will be battling to see who is best.
However, it brings into question what happened to all the other greats? Miami, Oakland, Minnesota, Buffalo. What happened?
What happened is the NFL has put road blocks into effect that causes the "Dynasties" to die out much quicker. If you watch any of the conferences each year their is usually a different team leading the ranks.
In my opinion, the dynasties will no longer occur within the NFL. We will start seeing a lot more even playing field within the next twenty years.
So, this beer is for the Superbowl. Two of the NFL's all time great football teams battling it out in the home of another great football team. However watch out. It may be a while before you see them again.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Where Shall Vince Go?
I've heard Arizona, Miami, Oakland, San Fransisco, etc...
Here is my pick...I bet Vince eventually gets released and then a team like the Texans will pick him up but only for a short time where he will be dealt and end up in Dallas, of all places.
Let me hear from you...where do you think he should go and why?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
the Last Prediction
Ravens - 1st seed - Patriots - Close but no cigar!
Colts - 2nd seed - Steelers - Close but no cigar!
Patriots - 3rd seed - Indianapolis - Close but no cigar!
Raiders - 4th seed - Kansas City - Well, I don't know I think Al Davis rhetoric has completely fried my brain.
AFC Wild Cards:
Titans - Baltimore - Hmmm....
Jets - Jets - Cigar!!!
Truth to be told, I guessed 4 of the 6 teams in the playoffs! Not too bad.
Packers - 1st seed - Atlanta - Never saw Atlanta coming!
Saints - 2nd seed - Chicago - This was possible.
Eagles - 3rd seed - Philly - Bingo!
Cardinals - 4th seed - Seattle - Way off here. But then again, who would of ever of guessed.
NFC Wild Cards:
Giants - New Orleans - I didn't think the Saints would slip this far.
Redskins - Green Bay - The Pack had alot of injuries and still made it to the dance.
3 of 6.
Total: 7 of 12
I stayed above .500
Prediction for the Superbowl:
Jets to play the Packers
Jets take the lead early. Jets lose a major player on offense. Packers make a big come back and then go into the lead. Jets kick a 45+ field goal in final seconds and miss the game winning kick.
Packers 28 - Jets 27